Random....Gross for some I am sure. I recently went to clean the deep freezer out. I was misinformed by my wonderful hubby. When I stopped nursing he told me there wasn't very much breast milk out there!! Obviously there was... I know this is a crazy blog post but I wanted to remember this about my post-pregnancies just in case I am done:) The weeks following child birth were painful and full of some serious over production. I almost cringe to look at a pump. I am fortunate to have had that experience but good gosh...I threw some serious liquid gold away.

what would vicki gettle say? wow!
Wow! Pumping is not my favorite pastime but it is worth it. I know how you feel about the liquid gold. I hate throwing bottles away!
Uuuhhhh, thats hurts my heart! I seriously cry when I have to throw any of that amazing stuff away! uuuuhhh
I LOVE THIS POST!! That looks like my freezer too!! I have a lot of milk at first too...although I have slowed down lately. That is ALOT of liquid gold!! :-) Hope all is well. Miss everyone!!
ROTFL!!!!! "Not that much" at all!!! Gotta love our sweet husbands...
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