A beautiful lady has recently entered the kingdom of Heaven. Though I will miss GG/Grandma here on earth it is hard to mourn knowing that she lived her entire life to see Jesus. Once you have been in the presence of GG you saw a little piece of Jesus here on earth. She was the most giving, encouraging, and elegant lady I know. I love her so much and miss her but share in her JOY that I know she is experiencing in Heaven.
Things that I Think of When I think of GG:
1) Factory Connection- She always took us shopping there in Center
2) Who you go to when you break up from a boyfriend. She always knew what to say.
3) Chicken Spaghetti and Chocolate pies
4) Asking Paxton to draw her a picture for her refrigerator
5) Her speaking to the Aggie Sisters of Christ at A&M and imparting her wisdom on us
6) Her letters that came with "Julia" monogrammed in blue- she was a great letter writer
7) Washing our laundry when we were at camp Huawni
8) Going to the Lake Country Inn for lunch after church
9) Fridays taking GG. Mackey, and Paxton to McDonald's... GG was a sucker for a big greasy hamburger and fries. I guess I got my love of junk food from here.
10) Seeing all the journals and bibles that cluttered her ottoman...She seemed to have an infinite gift for being in the Word and found satisfaction in her Savior.
I have been following your blog for some time now so I know how much your Grandmother meant to you.... I am so sorry for your loss! and, I rejoice with you in knowing that she is home :)
Aw, Friend. SO sorry for your loss... but happy for her gain! She's so happy right now!
I am sad to hear that she is gone...I know how much and your mom will miss her! Hope you are and Kirby are doing well! love ya!
Oh Whitney, I'm so sorry! From everything you've written she seemed like such an amazingly, special lady. I'm sure she'll be looking down on all of y'all and especially sweet Kirby.
Hey Whitney, I am sorry to hear about your grandma... I am sure she is rejoicng in Heaven with the Lord!
Aw Whit, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. It's never easy losing someone you love so dearly but take comfort that she is in perfect peace.
Oh Whitney! I know she was so dear to you. I am so glad she is in heaven rejoicing! I am praying that you and your fam will be comforted by that. I know you miss her!
So sorry for your loss Whitney!
What a remarkable woman! Thank you for sharing her with us on your blog. I am praying for you and your family. Love You--Laura
Praying for you and your family during this time. I know you are rejoicing for her, but sad for you. Thanks for sharing your heart and your GG with us. - Tams
It was an honor to get to know GG. She will be missed this summer when we go to the beach club. Thank you for sharing her with me. Love you all!
That was a great list Whitney. She didn't just wash our laundry she had us great treats and air conditioning!!! Hope you know how much I love you all and are thinking of you.
Sorry for your family's loss....I know she is watching over you and your babies..soon to be 3 soon
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