She is HERE and precious (of course coming from her mother)...
Kirby McCauley Cox
4 pounds 15 ounces 17 1/2 inches long
Born at 3:50p.m.
Whoever said that you third delivery would go quick was wrong. Wednesday night was the last night of the Procardia to keep her in... I had debated skipping it but was guilted by Rusty so I went ahead a took it. About 2:00am I woke up not really feeling great but thought that I was crazy. But 2:45 I woke Rusty up and told him I thought this might be the "it's time moment" that he had so longed for. He stated that he had hoped the "it's time moment" would occur during the day and to go back to sleep. By 4 am I decided to get a 2nd opinion from SueSue who stated she would be over soon and we should get ready. So Rusty and I took showers, packed bags, swept the front porch (seriously, I was crazy nesting) and headed to the hospital.
When we got there I was terrified they would say to go home it wasn't the time. The nurse who ironically had me a couple weeks ago said, "hey, we knew we would see you soon." Needless to say we were staying and I was 5cm, 70% effaced. She thought I would have the baby by noon (she was wrong!!). I got my epidural and that particular day the hospitals computers were down so everyone had a nurse in the room 24/7 with them to monitor the fetal strip stuff. Her name was Raquel "Rocky" and we would not have made it without her. She was amazing and said the right things to me at the right time. By 1:00pm Dr. Riegel broke my water and I was still progressing slowly. By 2:00pm my epidural started acting a fool ( I should get my money back for that stupid thing) My epidural stopped working, all you crazy people who intend to do that naturally I can't figure out WHY??? It hurts like a word not suitable for the blog. So basically I went through the pain of the epidural stick and then did childbirth naturally. It is like the movie, it hurts, you scream, you want to jump off the bed. Anyway...enough about how heroic I am.
She is here and healthy. We had a minor scare at first she was grunting to breath so had to go to the nursery for a couple hours to be monitored but came out great. Paxton and Mackey are in love. Paxton wants to hold her for short periods of time and Mackey wants to hold her all the time. It is so sweet! Breast feeding is going as to be expected...latching problems, hurting bosoms, and lactation consultations here we come. Oh...and we have some nasty jaundice...which means she has to stay on a tanning bed 24/7 except feedings until it gets better. Hopefully tomorrow because it is killing us to not be able to hold that precious little peanut...SueSue has come to the rescue renting TONS of movies, bringing over another comfy recliner, and bringing Paxton her Wii to borrow with a Batman Game. The boy is in Heaven.
We have been so blessed by friends and family...Thank you all. Thanks for the meals, the prayers, and bringing us fashionable preemie clothing (Sheaffer and Lisa:).