My Baby is 9 Months!!! She was in the 25% weighing in at 17 pounds. Everybody loves Kirby. She is the perfect third baby. Goes with the flow and is so mild. She is into everything...crawling, pulling up on everything, and dirty just like her sister. She says Dada and mama. We call her Rustina cause she look s just like her dad, she even has the bulldog face that Rusty occasionally has. I can't imagine life without Kirby. She is a blessing. She has moved into her crib upstairs with Mackey. That has been interesting. We find them in the crib talking a lot of nights. They will be the best of friends...I am sure they will never fight:) We look forward to many dirty clothes, making messes, and lots of smiles.
I've been waiting for you to play catch up. Love the fall pics. Can't believe sweet Kirby is already 9 months old. Boy, she sure does look like her daddy. Glad yall are having fun. Miss you.
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