Oh how I have missed Sarah White

Old Friends...Jeff Wolfe, Kristy
Demers, and Aaron

Skipping rocks

Who knew Courtney and I would live only minutes from one another.

Old Friends

Pace Park
We headed down to
Belton for the 10 Year Reunion. It was so much fun taking the kids to Salado creek and wading. They learned to skip rocks...they were really scared of the moss. There is no place like Pace Park. I had many of fun times down there. We also had so much fun hanging out with the Kennedy's and Kerr's. It was like old times...staying up way too late. On Saturday we went to the lake with The
Demers. Paxton hated everything about the lake.
Mackey on the other hand went
tubing with me. We had so much fun hanging out with the
Demers. Saturday night we enjoyed seeing
LOTs of old friends at the new Dead Fish Grill. Blake and Mandy did an awesome job of
coordinating everything and making it such a pleasant evening.
L.O.V.E. the last picture of you and the big kiddos! Just precious!
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